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Daily Inspiration Podcast
July 26, 2024
Friday, July 26, 2024

The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you but yourself.

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Rita Mae Brown

Author Rita Mae Brown's groundbreaking 1973 novel "Rubyfruit Jungle" defied societal expectations of the time with its explicit and positive portrayal of lesbianism. That book was a semi-autobiographical account of Brown's own formative years, and it resonated with others who felt a similar pressure to conform by repressing their sexuality. Though Brown's writings are generally feminist in nature, this plea for authenticity holds true for anyone and everyone. Happiness is achieved not by hiding or changing our nature to fit the mold, but by embracing the qualities that make each of us unique.

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Daily Question
What comedian said, "We all accept too easily that life has to be hard and forget to make sure we have the most fun we can"?
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