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Daily Inspiration Podcast
January 13, 2023
Friday, January 13, 2023

You don't luck into integrity. You work at it.

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Betty White

In a poll conducted in 2011, Betty White was voted America’s most trusted celebrity. Perhaps this comes as no surprise: The beloved actress-comedienne never let success go to her head. “You have to keep your feet on the ground and remember that this is what you’ve worked for all your life,” she wrote in her memoir "If You Ask Me (And Of Course You Won’t)." "You can’t get carried away with your image, because you know better than anyone else who the real person is." White’s humility was the key to her demonstrable integrity, and in turn, her trustworthiness. But these aren't virtues we are either born with or not. They reflect the person we decide to be, and resolve to work toward year after year. 

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Fill in the blank: "The transformation of the ___ is a wondrous thing, no matter how you land there." - Patti Smith
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