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Daily Inspiration Podcast
May 29, 2021
Saturday, May 29, 2021

Ruptures almost always lead to a stronger project.

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Anne Carson

Acclaimed writer Anne Carson is as well known for her translations of ancient scholarly texts as she is for her own experimental written work, which often weaves together poetry with essay and even opera, rock, dance, and other mediums. A veteran collaborator, she has worked with the likes of Lou Reed, the Merce Cunningham dance company, and what, for some, could be the most challenging collaborator of all: her husband (Robert Currie, a visual artist). But Carson resists the idea that collaboration could lead to irreparable differences, disagreements, or fallings-out. Asked what she does when a rupture arises, she replied, “Simply do something else and return to it later to find the problem wasn't a problem at all.” Obstacles, for Carson, are simply opportunities to think about the work in new ways.

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Fill in the blank: "Right actions for the future are the best ___ for wrong ones in the past." - Tryon Edwards
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