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Friday, May 7, 2021

The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.

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Coco Chanel

Maintaining a sense of individuality is a formidable, lifelong challenge. Going along with what others think can seem safer and is often easier, but it takes courage to think for yourself. That bravery was paramount for legendary fashion designer Coco Chanel, a pioneer in French fashion and founder of the famous luxury brand bearing her surname. Chanel grew up in an orphanage and learned how to sew from the nuns who cared for her. Never wavering from her vision, she became a successful business mogul and style icon in the 20th century, thanks to her original designs and unique approach to fashion. She ruled Parisian haute couture (and ready-to-wear) during her lifetime, and continues to serve as an inspiration for many in the industry today.

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Who said, "Either life entails courage, or it ceases to be life"?
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