Saturday Night Live has introduced the world to a wide array of gifted comics since its debut in 1975. The show has a rich history of discovering and nurturing comedic talent, including many brilliantly funny folks who’ve gone on to forge successful careers elsewhere in the entertainment industry.
When they’re not spending their Saturday nights making us laugh, SNL cast members shine as stand-up comedians, script and memoir writers, and even popular late-night hosts in their own right, as in the case of Seth Meyers. Other fan-favorites such as Kristen Wiig and Eddie Murphy have even become Oscar-nominated writers and actors.
As a testament to the show’s enduring legacy and the incredible comedic talent it has produced, here are some of the funniest quotes from 10 SNL alums who’ve graced us with their presence at 30 Rockefeller Center over the years.
Once you get past funny, my other qualities are so below average. It's not like I'm handy.Seth Myers, cast member 2001-2014
At parties, I'll start talking and notice everyone is looking at me and feel dumb and say, “Forget it,” and then start eating things.Kristen Wiig, cast member 2005-2012
He broke up with me at a dog park, and he wore Crocs to the breakup! I was like, “You gonna wear Crocs to this breakup? You gonna break my heart in leisure shoes?”Leslie Jones, cast member 2014-2019
One thing that I do know about being a parent is that you understand why your father was in a bad mood a lot.Adam Sandler, cast member 1990-1995
To say I’m an overrated troll, when you have never even seen me guard a bridge, is patently unfair.Tina Fey, cast member 1997-2006
It's not the thought that counts; it's whether or not we can return it and get what we really want.Molly Shannon, cast member 1995-2001
I told [my cat] I won an Emmy, and he was like, “Yeah, go scoop the crap from my litter box.”Kate McKinnon, cast member 2012-2022
It’s a very odd thing with Hollywood, where you do stand-up, you’re good at it, then they go, “How would you like to be a horrible actor?” Then you say, “All right, that sounds good. I’ll do that.”Norm Macdonald, cast member 1993-1998
I try never to brag but I'm probably the only person who has been on “60 Minutes” twice and isn't dead.Chris Rock, cast member 1990-1993
Basically, I only play one character; I just play him at different volumes.Chris Farley, cast member 1990-1995
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